Larry Curtis, APLC - 300 Rue Beauregard, Building C, Lafayette, Louisiana, 70508

Maritime Accident Claims

Lake Charles Maritime Accident Claims Attorneys

Seamen and other maritime workers, including many offshore oil workers, are protected by maritime law. Under maritime law you have certain rights to compensation when you are injured. You are entitled to maintenance can cure, without the need to prove fault. Under the Jones Act you can collect full compensation for your economic and noneconomic damages, as opposed to the very limited benefits offered by Workers’ Compensation. However, you will need the help of skilled maritime law attorneys to win your claim. Our Lake Charles maritime accident claims attorneys are here to help.

Maintenance and Cure

Maintenance and cure is basic, minimal compensation, but it can make a big difference when you are injured and unable to work. You do not need to prove fault in order to receive these benefits.

Maintenance pays for your living expenses. It was originally intended to pay room and board. In the modern world this translates to your mortgage or rent, food, and utilities. Cure covers your medical expenses and transportation required for medical treatment.

Maintenance and cure is not a long-term benefit. It only covers you until you reach what is called “maximum medical improvement” (MMI). MMI does not always mean that you have fully recovered from your injuries, but that your doctors say you have recovered as much as you are going to.

Jones Act Claims

Vessel owners have a legal duty to maintain safe conditions, and when they fail to do so and that failure results in injuries or death, workers can recover substantial compensation under the Jones Act, including compensation for your full lost wages, medical expenses, and pain and suffering. You may be eligible for a Jones Act claim if you accident occurred on one of the following:

  • Drilling ship
  • Commercial fishing boat
  • Offshore oil platform service boat
  • Supply, utility or crew boat
  • Transport helicopter
  • Jack-up rig
  • Semi-submersible drilling rig
  • Tension leg platform
  • Inland barge
  • Construction barge
  • Derrick lay barge
  • Pipelay barge
  • Jack-up barge
  • Dredger
  • Diving support vessel
  • Seismic vessel
  • Heavy lift vessel
  • Pipe/flowline vessel
  • Offshore or inland tug

Maritime claims are complex and require special expertise. If you have been injured in a maritime accident you need experienced and knowledgeable maritime attorneys, with a proven track record of success. The Lake Charles maritime accident claims attorneys of Larry Curtis Law are here to help you and your family collect the full and fair compensation that you need. Please call us today at 800-836-2064 or contact us online right away to schedule your free consultation.